Friday, February 7, 2020

Collaborative Editing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Collaborative Editing - Essay Example The paragraph tends to get too wordy and as a reader I found myself getting lost. There were also a few grammar errors in this segment such as verb tense, comma placement, and sentence structure. The closing was a little too editorial and did not leave much room for the reader of the review to make their own decision on the political slant of the film. Also, stating the message of Orwell so plainly might take out all the enjoyment it can have as a children's film. The review of Jane Austen's "Emma" was well written and very interesting to read. The writer of the essay caught Austen's sentiments about life and conflict with some depth of understanding. The structure was easy to read and contained few, if any, grammatical errors. However, after I read it, I still was not sure it related the story of "Emma" as Austen may have intended it. Aside from the brief, and eloquent, overall description of the book as "a more common, frequent, and laughable mockery", there is little else told to the reader to help them understand the feeling of the story. A descriptive quote would have aided the reader to get a sense of the character. The review could also have benefited from an example of how Austen challenges the reader with her complex storytelling technique. The last paragraph sums up the writer's thesis of "Emma" very clearly.

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